Monday 30 July 2012

Studio Flash in more detail.

Today's class with Julian was quite informative and it hinted to what might be discussed in location class on Wednesday afternoon.

I like Julian and the way he delivers his information. He is patient when asked for further clarification and is always happy to give another way of thinking about things. His jokes are also, well... we won't go there.

Anyway, we covered how studio flash is generated, produced and expelled electronically; first via a powerpoint presentation and then by Julian with one of the older Broncolor packs. We all then had a chance to "play" with the power packs ourself (in small groups) to run through and test out all of its features. This was great i thought and i feel most others enjoyed the hands-on experience - especially those who may have never seen/used anything like this before now. So i hope they did enjoy it :]


1 comment:

  1. i must admit i am a fan of julians jokes.......and i was quite amused by his comment that the in camera flashes ONLY purpose is to pop up and embarrass us photographers :D
