Wednesday 17 October 2012

TEST-SHOOT for coloured background.

Okay so i just took a few test-shots at home, with a few bits-n-pieces of my photographic equipment and light-modifiers, of a possible concept i came up with yesterday .

So i have borrowed a glass-brick from the studio with the hope it would be an interesting way of breaking-up / diffusing some coloured light produced from a combination of my speedlite and some coloured gels and project this effect onto a large sheet of styrofoam in order to create a groovy looking background.

I sent off an email to Julian to check if this is acceptable, to which he has replied positively, which is great, because that means i can now start photographing everything without the fear of wasting time and energy on it all :]

A lighting diagram for all this would be difficult to create and understand, so i have included two snapshots from the iPhone as a visual reference for you to "get" what i mean and see how it was done - for now. I will refine everything tomorrow.

Take a look.


The result of my test-shot.
I now need to build up some lighting on
the product and get it looking right so the
product stands out from the background.

My very simple (hostile) setup on the floor. I will now
set this up properly in order to create the final series
of photographs for this assignment.
The folder i am holding sits over the speedlite (to the
left of my hand) in order to stop any light reflecting
off the glass brick and up into the lens.

Same as above, but from behind the
camera instead of a side-on view.

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